FALL 2013
Course Instructor: Dr. Anil V. Rao, MAE-A 314, E-mail: anilvrao@ufl.edu. Tel: 352-392-5523 (Office)
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday Period 6 (1:55 PM to 2:45 PM) or by appointment.
Kinematics of particles and rigid bodies. Kinetics of particles and a system of particles. Kinetics of rigid bodies. Introduction to analytical dynamics including Lagrangian and Hamiltonian forms.
Rao, A. V., Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies: A Systematic Approach, Cambridge University Press, 2006. Click here to download a non-printable PDF version of the book. For those of you who want to purchase the book (which does not contain Chapter 6), you can download a printable version of Chapter 6 by clicking here.
The objective of this course is to provide a thorough and systematic introduction to the subject of dynamics of particles and rigid bodies using a Newton-Euler approach. The course provides a rigorous introduction to kinematics of particles and rigid bodies, kinetics of a particle, kinetics of a system of particles, and kinetics of a rigid body. All development is done in a coordinate-free manner and will be applied to examples in a way that provides insight into the structure of the underlying physical process.
This class has no assigned homework. Students are expected to work through the problems in the assigned textbook and ask for help as needed. Solutions to a variety of problems will be posted periodically.
Two exams will be given in the class. Both exams will be time-limited take-home exams. The exam schedule will be posted shortly.
Exam 1: Tuesday 15 October 2013 from 9:00 AM until noon.
Exam 2: Monday 2 December 2013 from 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM.
The grading for the course is as follows:
Exam 1: 50 %
Exam 2: 50 %
The grading scale (before homework penalty deductions) is as follows:
A: 94 to 100
A-: 90 to 93.99
B+: 85 to 89.99
B: 80 to 84.99
B-: 75 to 79.99
C+: 70 to 74.99
C: 65 to 69.99
C-: 60 to 64.99
D+: 55 to 59.99
D: 50 to 54.99
D-: 45 to 49.99
E: Less Than 45
I have zero tolerance for cheating on exams. Anyone found to have cheated on an exam will receive an automatic “E” in the course and the incident will be reported to the appropriate authorities at the University of Florida.